ICAO Level 5 Vocabulary: Environment and Aviation + Mindmap
To be honest, I’ve never published any mindmaps on my website before. I offer “Health in Aviation” if you decide to join my newsletter but hasn’t been available as a separate blog post. Please let me know how do you this kind of content so that I know if I should add more in the future.
How to Use This Mindmap?
A mindmap is a short but comprehensive list of all crucial information concerning each subject. I love them because they are small and they provide a student with the most essential knowledge.
The Fundaments of the Environmental Issues – Non-renewable and Renewable Energy Resources
It is the vocabulary related to non-renewable and renewable energy resources that I truly believe are the core of the whole debate. Those two small lists will give you the best introduction to this subject; as a matter of fact, you have to know the pros and cons in order to understand the importance of an ongoing situation and the current trends that are likely/ unlikely to happen in the nearest future.
Environment-related Adjectives
The best way to improve your speaking is to combine nouns with the suitable adjectives. If you’re in doubt how to find a perfect adjective for a noun, please check my video where I explain how the Online Oxford Collocation Dictionary to find out one of the best tools for the English learners. My mindmap includes also a short list of suggested adjectives that may be useful to you while speaking about environmental aspects.
The Future Solutions
This one turned out to be the biggest but I purposefully focused on this one in the first place. Imagine an environmental debate about the harmful impact of the aviation on our planet. You hear some arguments about an airport expansion, the growing popularity of air travel, the emission of carbon dioxide, etc. The only possible way to make this kind of talk informative and appealing is to focus on the possible future solutions, initiatives, and social projects. You can lead a conversation into an area where you feel secure and confident and present your takes on this issue. However, always be prepared to hear a question non-related to your speech and use a wide spectrum of general English vocabulary and non-standard grammar forms.
For some of my students, environmental issues may seem dull and unattractive to talk about under exam conditions. In my opinion, there aren’t boring subjects – there is only not sufficient knowledge and the lack of the reliable teaching resources. I hope my mindmap will help you before your ICAO exam. Should you have any suggestions about what else could be added to my list, please let me know. I’ll re-upload an updated version to give you the best mindmap possible. Click the picture below to enlarge a mindmap or type in your email address to receive the best quality PDF.