Have you ever wondered what kind of views can a pilot see during thousands of hours spent in controls?

Now it’s your time to take a closer look at one of the most stunning mini-gallery of photos that were taken in-flight by a LOT Polish Airlines Boeing 767 pilot. His name is Eugeniusz “Gery” Rynkiewicz and for many years working as a PLL LOT pilot, he has gathered an impressive amount of breathtaking photos.

Thank you, Gery for sharing those beautiful photos! 🙂
A KLM A330-200

A KLM Airbus A330-200 air to air shot. A Boeing B767 was about 330 meters below.


The Northern Lights by Gery

The Northern Lights captured after departure from Chicago, USA.


Cumulonimbus clouds

Cumulonimbus clouds FL 350


The Maldives

Shortly before landing at Male, the Maldives


The Maldives islands

The Maldives islands



Thunderstorm at FL 350


All photos in this post, including the featured image, were taken by Eugeniusz “Gery” Rynkiewicz. Would you like to see the part 2 of Gery’s best aviation photography? Or would you know more about this gorgeous man? If yes, please write a comment below and let me know. Share this post through your favorite social media platform below. Thank you in advance! 🙂