ICAO Level 6 Comprehension: 10 Benefits of Reading For Aviation English Students
Where Can Reading Take You?
Reading is one of the most popular, the cheapest and the easily-available thing you can do to improve almost every area of learning a new language and it implies to all of them. I know an ICAO exam requires you to speak and listen so you may be naturally reluctant to prioritize reading as your regular habit. The list of advantages is enormous and let me only mention a few of them: it positively affects your brain, it allows you to improve your vocabulary, structure, comprehension, fluency (sounds familiar? 😉 and it takes you to the most remote places and allows you to visualize the plot in your personalized way. Read the following list of top 10 facts regarding reading.
Why Are Reading Skills Important in Communication?
When you read, you’ll come across some words you are familiar with but you didn’t use for a time being. The same with the structures of the sentences within a plot. You recycle the vocabulary and grammar that are crucial areas you are examined during an ICAO exam. Therefore, the better your range of English is shown, the better you automatically become at comprehension because you understand more and you’re more likely to involve in an interaction to practice your freshly practiced skills. It’s a snowball effect is at your hands practically for free (if you borrow a book from a library or friend). The results are priceless and inadequately high if you consider how much you can achieve. Consistency here is the key to a success.
How Reading Rewires the Brain?
Reading, especially reading novels, exercises your brain. You create your own and one of a kind world and every time you’re exposed to someone’s experiences, you’re more likely to implement non-standard solutions into your own reality and avoid making mistakes that were shown in a plot. A great source of wisdom in every field of life.
“Think before you speak. Read before you think.” ― Fran Lebowitz, “The Fran Lebowitz Reader”
Reading Gives You an Outstanding Access to Resources in Their Original Versions
Translation is a blessing because we can read books of authors from all over the world but many English as a second language students may find it hard to resist the temptation to reach for the translated into their native tongue versions instead of the originals. Don’t diminish the chance to deal with the language in its best form; it’s corrected before it was published, the structures are well-thought and served to a reader in its full glory. Why not try?
You Don’t Need to Understand Every Single Word
You really don’t need to look up every word you don’t know in a dictionary. I give you the permission – as an English teacher 😉 The thing is when you constantly check a new word you get distracted and you lose your track. As long as you feel confident and you understand the context, keep on reading. However, if a keyword is new to you and the meaning affects the plot – it’s the best time to check it. Read for the gist; it should be a pleasure for you. Stop underestimating your reading skills. You have already achieved a certain proficiency level in English so you have enough knowledge and linguistic intelligence to read with a high amount of confidence.
Begin With a Short Novel
Making the first step is often the most important but some people find it challenging to make a new start. Try to split this task into the tiniest puzzles where you won’t feel any resistance to do it. It has to be embarrassingly easy. If you want to start reading in English and make it your regular habit, an ambitious plan to begin with the Tolkien’s trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” isn’t a good idea. A short novel would be a perfect choice – maybe “Night Flight” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry ? There are 96 pages so if you divide it into 14 days, the daily reading maximum limit is 6 pages! Once it’s finished, you can think about a slightly longer book or stay at the level where you feel the most comfortable. You do it for yourself and the main objective is to form new habits that will gradually make you more confident English speaker. The key thing is being honest with yourself and self-disciplined to stay on a chosen path o a regular basis.
Why is Reading Better Than Watching?
Reading involves fewer senses than watching, hence, it’s more effective in learning English. When you watch, you obtain many visual clues that will help you understand the message. What is more, you listen, read and watch at the same time, so it’s easier to make assumptions and draw quick conclusions. On the other hand, reading involves only your sight; you need to understand and transfer the plot into your imagination. It’s surely more active process. As a teacher, I clearly perceive reading in favor of watching; however, every activity that is taken to improve your English skills is more valuable than doing nothing at all in this direction.
So You Think You Don’t Have Enough Time…
“I’m too busy to read books”. I truly believe this kind of statement is a perfect explanation and a verbal protective armor against making positive changes in your life. Some of you are 100% convinced they don’t have time to learn, staying fit, spending more time with your family, etc. No, it isn’t true. We all have the same amount of time on our hands. Regardless of being Donald Trump, Ed Sheeran or Emilia Barska. Everyone has a 60-minute hour. Everyone has a 24-hour day. Everyone has a 7-day week and, usually, a 365-day year. Let’s face an inconvenient fact’ you have the time but you often misuse and waste it. Those who don’t plan their priorities and revise them regularly are more likely to end up scrolling social media feed or live someone else’s life because you lack the assertiveness to focus on what is vital for you not for everyone. The act of formation of a new habit takes usually 21 days; try to be consequent for that period of time and spend 5-10-15 minutes per day, every day, on reading. I will never believe you won’t have 5 minutes per day only for yourself. If you treat reading as your priority to fulfill your aim of becoming more proficient English speaker I’m more than sure even the shortest break will be used effectively.
Read What You Like
Reading is effective when it’s a source of pleasure for you. If you don’t like what you read, you’ll probably put off the reading process in time and find yourself one million reasons and substitutions for it. Hello, it is not a punishment. You’re not obliged to finish reading what you had stared if it’s not your kind of mental stimulation; therefore, at the preliminary stage of becoming an everyday reader borrow books form a library, family or friends and make your personal research which authors match your sense of humor, which writing style is the extension of your views inside the plot.
Surround Yourself With Many Kinds of Texts
Once you’ve finished reading a book (congratulations!), you may need some time to digest what you were involved in before choosing the next one. In the meantime, read articles, emails, blog posts and other resources. Remember they need to bring value to you and expand your horizons.
Audiobooks vs. Ebooks vs. Paperbacks
Finally, some of you ask me which way of dealing with books can be the most beneficial to you. The answer is: it all depends on you and your own preferences. Some people love dealing with paperbacks their smell, the process of purchasing, unboxing after shipping and putting it on a shelf once it’s accomplished. The other group prefers ebooks because of the access to a wide spectrum of their favorite library in a slim and lightweight reader. The last type loves listening and taking an advantage of the time when reading would be impossible; while you drive a car, run, mop the floor, etc. I personally love audiobooks because of the interpretation of a story told by a professional actor with a unique voice; the way he/ she is putting an emphasis on the chosen words and sentences make my overall impression not equal to a printed book as I render it inside my imagination. What is more, reading paperbacks is also one of my favorite forms of relaxation. Audiobooks wonderfully complement the printed medium or ebooks. It really doesn’t matter how but it matters if you say ‘yes’ or ‘no to the new challenges that may only bring profits to your life.
Do you read books in English? If yes, please write how many books have you read in 2017 so far! Do you prefer reading or listening? How much time per week do you devote to reading? Did I convince you to read a book in English? If yes, please write its title in a comment below! Share your takes with me in the comments below or write an email to me. Now, as this article is done I deserved some time to relax with a good read 🙂